The essence of our lands

“The eternity of the nature of Tenuta Tresca’s Never-ending Olive Grove will wrap your wedding day in a unique and charming atmosphere.”

The Olive Grove with its endless expanse of illuminated trees will give you a feeling of infinity and will become the perfect setting for both the moment of cutting the cake followed by the buffet of fruit and desserts, and for dinner at the table which can be organized with elegant, round, white tables or with a long table in country style.

Thanks to the support of the staff and the assemblers, you can draw a dream scene for a memorable wedding in Salento, close to the Apulian land, rich in history, tradition and charm.

Choosing the theme of “Wedding in Nature” allows you to celebrate your big day with style and originality. Tenuta Tresca’s immense olive grove is the perfect backdrop to the most beautiful moments of your wedding, impeccably lending themselves to the dinner: organized on long tables which gives a convivial characteristic, to the magic moment of cutting the cake and the final party.

The location is emphasized by soft lighting, candles, lanterns and tangles of branches, has large areas that you can customize according to your own personal taste. The olive trees become protagonists of the best moments trasnforming themselves into original wedding areas: the guest book tree, the wedding favour tree, the tree dedicated to the photobooth and much more!

Keep Discovering Tenuta Tresca

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